The Zone 3 Executive
Committee encourages all participants in Zone events to
complete Level 1 Rules of Golf Certification. In
addition, it's recommended all competitors download the
Rules of Golf App.
1 Rules
Download Rules App
Zone 3 is now using Golf Genius and Interac
eTransfers for registration and payment collecting. Golf
Genius will also be used for all Zone 3 Tournament
Administration including scoring, tee times, etc.
To register for an event...
Click on the event you want
to play in. It will link you to a Golf Genius tournament
page. Use your Golf Canada
email or user name and your password to Sign or Log into
Golf Genius and follow the
registration procedure. At this time your status will be
Send your eTransfer to
ETransfers are set for auto-deposit, so there is no need to
set up a security question.
When your eTransfer is
received, you will receive a confirmation email. You
MUST forward this
confirmation email to the Tournament Chair Once
received by the TC, they will update your status from
"pending" to "active."
JUNIOR EVENTS ONLY - Forward your 2025 Zone 3 Jr.
Code of Conduct form and Rules Level 1 Certification to
Tournament Chair
all forms & payments have been received by the TC, they will update your status from
"pending" to "active."
Please Note...
You must submit a
registration for each event you wish to play in. This
means 6 registrations if you plan to play in all the Jr. Boys
Spring Tour events.
You may combine 2 or more
entries into one eTransfer.
Please indicate in the
"Message" of the eTransfer the name of the player (if
different from the name on the eTransfer) and which event(s)
you are paying for. If you are paying for all of the Jr.
Boys Spring Tour, simply use "Spring Tour."
Please allow 24 - 48
hours to process your entry
Tournament Chair - Bob Davies